GP Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR)

General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR)
NHS Digital has been collecting data from GPs through its trusted General Practice Extraction Service. This system is now being replaced from 1.7.21 with their new General Practice Data for Planning and Research (GPDPR) service, a broader general-purpose collection which will enable faster access to pseudonymised patient data for planners and researchers.
This more sophisticated extration service will be working on things such as researching the long-term impact of coronavirus on the population, analysing healthcare inequalities and researching and developing cures for serious illnesses.
NHS Digital will collect:
- data about diagnoses, symptoms, observations, test results, medications, allergies, immunisations, referrals, recalls and appointments, including information about physical, mental and sexual health
- data on sex, ethnicity and sexual orientation
- data about staff who have treated patients
NHS Digital does not collect:
- name and address (except for postcode, protected in a unique coded form)
- written notes (free text), such as the details of conversations with doctors and nurses
- images, letters and documents
- coded data that is not needed due to its age – for example medication, referral and appointment data that is over 10 years old
- coded data that GPs are not permitted to share by law – for example certain codes about IVF treatment, and certain information about gender re-assignment
Patients can opt-out from NHS Digital COLLECTING their data (called a type 1 opt out) or dissent to NHS digital SHARING their data for planning and research (called a National data opt out). If you wish to find more information about GPDPR including your right to opt out then please follow this link
You are able to opt our of GPDPR by clicking on the following link Make your choice about sharing data from your health records.
Data collection will start on 1 July 2021, if you do not want your data shared with NHS Digital this should be done by returning the form below to your GP practice by 23 June 2021 to allow time for processing it. You can send the form by post or email to your GP practice.
You can read the General Practice Data for Planning and Research: NHS Digital Transparency Notice HERE.